Saturday, May 25, 2013

Please, Help us Help the Victims of the Moore Oklahoma Tornado

We are looking to build a nice relief effort for those directly effected by the tornado in Moore Oklahoma this past week.

It is not often we have an opportunity to make a difference. With our energy business we would like to donate our profits in the months of June and July to help in the areas recovery. 
If your energy is supplied by one of these providers, you can become one of our customers.If your energy is supplied by one of these incumbents, you can become one of our customers.
We are looking for your help. The more customers we have the bigger our donation can be.

We want to make a big difference with our donation. If you are have Duquesne Light, Central Hudson, ComEd, conEdison, TXU energy, PPL, First Choice Power, CPL, Atlantic City Energy, RG&E, Jersey Central Power & Light, BGE, WTU, Pepco, National Fuel, PSEG, NYSEG, Nicor, National Grid, Connecticut Light & Power, PECO, Reliant Energy, Orange & Rockland or UI, please help us in this effort and become one of our energy customers.

At this point we do not know what charity we will be donating to. In the past we have actually donated our time to Habitat for Humanity and have seen what this organization can and has done. What we know is we want any money we donate to go 100% to the true people in need. If you have any ideas on where to donate to make the most impact, please let us know.

To become a customer and help us make an impact, you can head over to our website and sign up at Or give us a call at 570-643-3935.

When you become a customer of ours you will not only be helping us make a bigger donation to the Moore Oklahoma tornado victims, but you will be earning rewards and possibly even free energy. We do not hook you on introductory rates and there are no contracts. When you flip that switch or turn on that computer it will turn on the same as before. You energy is still delivered from the same delivery company. There are no separate bills.

If you are not in one of our service areas, please pass this info to your friends and family. We extend out thanks and appreciation in advance for all of your help.

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