Friday, June 14, 2013

Limited Time - 48 Hour Sale + Save up to $70 on Kobo Devices

48 Hour Sale + Save up to $70 on Kobo Devices
Good afternoon,

Kobo has a 48 hour sale starting today and running to midnight on Saturday. We also have two device offers running. First, you can save $20 off Kobo Arc and Glo devices. Plus, and this is a big one, you can add the $20 off the Arc to the $50 off deal that we have running for Fathers day. This is a great opportunity for anyone in the market for a tablet. The device promotion is valid only in Canada and the US. 

The details and links are as follows.
Save up to 60% off select titles 
60% off Select Titles in USA
60% off Select Titles in Canada
60% off Select Titles in AU
60% off Select Titles in UK/EU
Run: Friday June 14th to Saturday June 15th at 11:59 pm EST
Promo Code: 48Hours 

Valid Everywhere - But you'll have to use the correct landing page

Save $20 on the Glo & up to $70 off the Arc

$20 off the Kobo Glo (Code: EJB29)

$70 off the Kobo Arc (Code: RFN47)
Run: Friday June 14th to Sunday June 30th at 11:59 pm EST
Promo Code: Glo: EJB29
Arc: RFN47 

Valid Canada and USA only

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