This is a continuation of my Social Media Marketing learning's from FaceBook's PPC Advertising.
In order to follow this you will need to have a FaceBook account, FaceBook Fan Page and Funding Source for your Ads Management.I will show you how to optimize the FaceBook Like Campaign that we started in our earlier post, A simple way to boost your likes on Facebook. As in the earlier post, I will be utilizing my fan page, The Great Big Book of Everything - Paul Truman Jr. to step you through the process.
The First step is to access the Ads Manager. I do this by typing "ADS MANAGER" into the FaceBook search bar. Then I select the Ads Manager App.
The next thing to do is select Power Editor located in the left hand bar on the page.
If this is the first time you are using the Power Editor, you will need to download your Ad information. This is only needed to be done in the future to pull any ads you create after this time.
When you select the Download button the following appears. I would select "All My Accounts" and "Include Pages for Logged Accounts"
Then we will select the "Active Campaigns" and open the Campaign we want to work on. In this case it is the same campaign we began in our earlier post. Once you select it you will see the "Advanced Options" screen below. If it does not show this page you can select it by choosing "Advanced Options" bar to the left of the center frame. This option gives us the ability to select our audience. At this point I want to target everyone so I will select ALL for the options.
Now this next step is where we want to modify in more detail. We want to make sure our viewers are landing on our "Timeline" You also want to get your AD Copy right here.Your Headline and Text can be modified here. As you modify these fields you will see how the AD will appear in the right hand column. You can even modify your displayed picture. With the AD Copy and Picture set up how you want it to display you can scroll down to change Placement and Mobile options. For this LIKE AD we are looking for it to display to as many so I select "All FaceBook" and "All Mobile Devices"
Now that was easy, well this is the part that can make or break the success of you campaign. This screen is where you place precise Audience Targets. It starts with Location and Age, which we set up in the prior post. The next section of this gets a bit more in detail with the asking of precise interests. Here is where you need to do specific research and it can be as easy as Who Do You Follow? I follow other entrepreneurs so I start to list them here. Not all of those that I follow are popular enough to have a precise interest in FaceBook so I continue till my numbers reach as high as I can get them. I also scroll down to target users who DO NOT already connected to this page, as our goal is to get more page like.
Now our last step is to select our pricing.I will always select the Cost-Per-Click (CPC) option. This will let you better control the amount spent on your advertising. you will notice FaceBook gives us a range of bids. I will usually go about 10% above the minimum suggested, so I will adjust this to .25 a bid. Keep in mind that these numbers are subject to the current market and will be the MAX you will spend on a click of your ad. There may be times that this may only cost you half of your bid. Return back here later in your campaign to adjust to your budget.
Now with the initial optimization complete, you will begin to see better results in your campaign. Just remember to return back to this tool about once a week to tweak when you review your Page Insights.
Keep an eye out for our next post on how to understand the Page Insights of your FaceBook Fan Page.
Until then Keep safe and Happy.
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